Choosing a Blog Theme

You may have noticed that my blog has a new home. It can now be found on its own domain . This change not only gives me more flexibility to make any change I like, it also feels good to have a website again. If you had followed my blog, do keep following it at the new location. I have also...

Many, many years ago I tried to learn Java. I didn’t get very far but one of the things I built was The Game of Life. Unfortunately I can not find the code I wrote, probably a good things as it is probably amusingly bad. Now you are probably asking what is the Game of Life ? The game of life, sometimes called cellular...

Great British Code Off

The Great British Bake Off and The Great British Sewing Bee are very popular TV shows. Each week the contestants take part in a baking or sewing challenge and the judges choose the best and the worst, with the worst having to leave. This is very entertaining as you watch the drama between the contestants and the...


I am lazy, I won’t try and deny that. When my alarm goes off in the morning, I will snooze it for twenty minutes or so before getting out of bed. In my work my laziness continues. Remote Desktop (or RDP) is probably my number one laziness tool. For those that don’t know RDP allows you to connect to another computer and...


For a while now I have been listening to podcasts. For those that don’t know a podcast is an audio file that you can download and listen to, usually about a topic you are interested in. The topics that interest me are obviously Star Trek, Science and Technology and IT stuff. I mainly listen to them in the car when I am...

Pair Programming

So I have been working through the challenges on the freecodecamp website and one of the unique things that this site does is give you the chance to program with another person. I am an introvert and if you were to ask me to pick up the phone and ring someone I will procrastinate a lot before doing it (if I do it at...

Javascript progress

I got excited earlier this week as I started playing around with the javascript I have been learning. I thought I would try and create useful javascript that could be applied to an online filestore. Somewhere that you could upload, delete, edit files and folders and various options to do with your files would popup via...

Hello World!

The first program anyone writes in a new language is often really simple and just displays the text “Hello World!”, below are a few examples from languages I have knowledge of. Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); <html> <head></head> <body> <p>Hello, world!</p> </body> </html> php echo 'Hello, world!'; ?>MsgBox("Hello,...

My Year of Code

There is no escaping the fact that we are in 2015 now. My new years resolution is to do more coding. Over Christmas I thought I would have a go at I completed the javascript course and I was just wondering what I should try next when I saw a tweet about Since then I...