How exciting my Lynx Computer from my childhood has come home, all 96k of it — Simon Foster (@funkysi1701) December 26, 2021 I can’t remember the syntax for BASIC, luckily I have been able to find the Manual . All the commands are listed inside so lets see what we can do. The Lynx presents...

The final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation features a few scenes set 25 years into the future. That episode aired May 1994. The newest Star Trek TV show Star Trek Picard has just aired its first episode and this is 25 years and 8 months after that episode. This article may contain minor spoilers for the first...

Welcome to Day 5 of the Festive Tech Calendar! Usually at this time of year I like to take the opportunity to look back on the last 12 months, highlight some of my achievements and make a few goals for the new year. Like many of you 2021 has been a difficult year, but it has also been a year of change, and I am in a...